
23. feb. 2010

Religion dreper og Jesus gir tommel opp

Les den fantastisk hyggelige historien om den religiøse familien som slo i hjel sitt adopterte barn fordi hun stavet et ord feil her.
The Schatz's homeschooled their nine children and grew their own food. Which would all be well and good if they weren't also followers of nutbag Tennessee evangelist Michael Pearl. His schtick is to teach parents to beat their children so they become more obedient to God and family.
Hva sier bibelen om å slå sine barn?

"If a man has a stubborn and rebellious son who does not obey his father and mother and will not listen to them when they discipline him, 19 his father and mother shall take hold of him and bring him to the elders at the gate of his town. 20 They shall say to the elders, "This son of ours is stubborn and rebellious. He will not obey us. He is a profligate and a drunkard." 21 Then all the men of his town shall stone him to death."
(Deuteronomy 21:18-21) dette er jo det gamle testamentet og det gjelder vel ikke oss som bare går i kirken på julaften? Åjoda. Sitat Jesus:

"Do not think that I have come to abolish the law or the prophets. I have come not to abolish but to fulfill. Amen, I say to you, until heaven and earth pass away, not the smallest part or the smallest part of a letter will pass from the law, until all things have taken place." (Matthew 5:17)

"Know this first of all, that there is no prophecy of scripture that is a matter of personal interpretation, for no prophecy ever came through human will; but rather human beings moved by the Holy Spirit spoke under the influence of God." (2 Peter 20-21)

"It is easier for Heaven and Earth to pass away than for the smallest part of the letter of the law to become invalid." (Luke 16:17)

4 kommentarer:

Unknown sa...

RT @ LOL Noen få best of-tweets fra Captain Frekke Fascist. Han er veldig morsom, helt ufrivillig riktignok, men dog..

Trenger en plakat av Isabella Martinsen, værdama på TV2. Flott hunnkjønn. Håper ikke hu er på twitter, da blir jeg flau.

Fuck yes, documentary about Darwin with Richard Dawkins on Norwegian TV tonight. I'm having a massive boner right now

Egentlig er det ingen stor forskjell på venstre og høyresiden i norge, bare forskjell på grader av sosialisme.

Steike faen meg lei venstresidens fokus på høyre-politikk. Kan dere ikke heller fortelle hva DERE står for så kan folk velge selv?!

Jeg må le av enkelte twittrere og bloggere som kun fokuserer på andre partiers politikk.

LOL the new Rammstein music video is basically a porn. Cum shot and all.

Election scandal in Norway. Right wing got 50 000 more votes than the left wing, left wing won because votes counts more in small counties

Folk som stemmer på de rød/grønne er religiøse og bryr seg ikke om at de blir rævkjørt av Jens. De gjør alt for guden sin

Rapport fra Rikservisjonen viser at de Rød/Grønne lyver. Blir holdt hemmelig for det Norske folk.

Synes du skal unnskylde deg og slutte å utvanne ordet "rasist". Det er en patetisk hersketeknikk.

@MissJLawr Stupid cunt. There is no media in Iran.

@kokkvold Intelligensen min ble krenket når Dagbladet trykte antivaksine propagandaen til vaksineaksjonen, hvor er din kritikk mot DB? ( intelligens?)

Ærlig talt.. Det var Storberget som avbrøt Sandberg

I've started to save money to go to space when space travel becomes available to the general public

So what are you going to do about it? Pray that he strikes me with lightning? Your god is a dick, end of story - read the bible.

50% av landets befolkning går på trygd! Venstresiden raserer landet. Velferdsstaten må bort.

Religious nut kills baby and eats brain.

Fuck my ass, venomfangx is back.

Your god sits in his chair and masturbates while little boys have to give blow jobs to old men. Isn't he wonderful?!


North-Korea sets of Atomic Bomb. Communists around the world celebrate.

I heard the landing is recorded on video from inside the shuttle, is this true? in reply to NASA

cleaning up my mac. lots of old porn downloads and unnecessary apps

If you panic over #swineflu you're an ass, you're also an ass if you don't take precautions. Be calm and rational ffs

Fuck.. Boy in my county possibly ill from #swineflu. (frekke funny får panikk)

Can it be argued that slavery is a bit racist?

@Circinfo Shut the fuck up. I don't talk to child mutilators. Let's cut away your lips, shall we. You don't need them.

who the fuck talks about stephen hawking? (via @bamf_xx) Because even though he is a vegetable he has more brains that you do, BIATCH

Just finished fixing my R/C monster truck, took it for a spin and broke it again. fuckfucketyfuckfuckfuckFØØØØK

I'm masturbating furiously to this sleek interface.

I just realized that if humans are to survive the expansion of the universe, sooner or later we have to create our own sun. YIKES

Orwell's 1984 - Today? Pastor Beaten And Tazed For Defending His Rights Please #retweet(paranoid)

Jens (Messias) lover arbeid til alle, på samme måte som kristendommen lover evig liv. AP-folk er hjernevaska kreasjonister

The knob on my mouse is dirty.

Say you have 2 girls laying in the middle of your street with their legs spread, hypothetically speaking - what do you do?

Jesus died so I could stuff my face with candy

It comes as no surprise that homophobes usually are religious fucktards

Some idiot just declared me as a potential killer because I criticized Islam. Fuck you asshole

Babble babble babble

CFF sa...

Mer! Mer!

Busted sa...

Patetisk. Ikke mye rart nyhetsspeilet gjengen klarer å komme opp med. Skuffende.. Antar at CFF ikke kommer til å gråte puta våt i natt pga det der :)

Billy Bob sa...


Månen laget av titan? Jeg som trodde den var fylt med helium.

Funny må være stolt av sine tre følgere, you go girls!

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