
21. juli 2010

Muslimske imperialister

I nesten alle diskusjoner rundt vestens engasjement i midt-østen dukker det opp individer som ser sitt snitt til å spy ut sitt hat mot USA og det de kaller "amerikansk imperialisme".

I sin rus makter de ikke å se det ironiske faktumet at Islam i seg selv er imperialistisk og muslimene legger ikke særlig skjul på det.

Islam ser på seg selv som løsningen på sosiale, politiske og religiøse problemer og måten det skal løses på er nemlig å gjennopprette Kalifatet

A number of Islamist political parties and Islamist guerrilla groups have called for the restoration of the caliphate by uniting Muslim nations, either through political action (e.g., Hizb ut-Tahrir) or through force (e.g., al-Qaeda).[39] Various Islamist movements have gained momentum in recent years with the ultimate aim of establishing a Caliphate; however, they differ in their methodology and approach. Some are locally-oriented, mainstream political parties that have no apparent transnational objectives.
Pioneer Islamist Abul Ala Maududi believed the caliph was not just an individual ruler who had to be restored, but was man's representation of God's authority on earth:
Khilafa means representative. Man, according to Islam is the representative of "people", His (God's) viceregent; that is to say, by virtue of the powers delegated to him, and within the limits prescribed by the Qu'ran and the teaching of the prophet, the caliph is required to exercise Divine authority.[40]

Hizb ut-Tahrir er en gruppe som i følge Wikipedia har over 1 million medlemmer spredd over 40 nasjoner, hvor de har slått særlig rot i Storbritannia. Siden USA er frihetens og demokratiets høyborg, kan selvfølgelig ikke gruppen fordra demokrati (ikke ulikt de røde). Målet er at verden skal legges under et nytt Kalifat og styres av Sharia. Hjemmesiden til Hizb ut-Tahrir finner du her.

Fra koranen
God has promised those of you who believe and perform righteous deeds that He will surely make them successors in the earth, in place of the disbelievers, just as He made those, Children of Israel, who were before them successors, in place of the [ruling] tyrants ([the verb may be] read as active istakhlafa, ‘He made [them] successors’, or as passive istukhlifa, ‘were made successors’) and He will surely establish for them their religion which He has approved for them, namely, [the religion of] Islam, by making it prevail over all religions and enrich them throughout the land, so that they become masters thereof, and that He will give them in exchange (read wa-la-yubdilannahum or wa-la-yubaddilannahum) after their fear, of disbelievers, security. And God fulfilled His promise to them in the way mentioned, and He praises them with His words: ‘They worship Me, without associating anything with Me’ (ya‘budūnanī lā yushrikūna bī shay’an is an [independent] new sentence, standing as a justification [for His promise]). And whoever is ungrateful after that, bestowal of grace, from among them, [whoever is ungrateful] for it, those, they are the immoral. The first to show ingratitude for that [grace of God] were the murderers of ‘Uthmān [b. ‘Affān], may God be pleased with him, and they began to kill one another [henceforth] after having been brothers.

Pat Condell har noen ord om problemet:

Så dere foretrekker altså et islamsk teokrati fremfor vestens demokrati hvor vi stort sett kan si og gjøre det vi vil så lenge det ikke skader andre? Bor det virkelig så mye sadisme i dere at dere heller vil se kvinneundertrykkelse av verste sort og knebling av ytringsfriheten?

Bill Maher sier det best